Alexine Good

Artist statement. Alexine Good: Screenprints 

Why cows? They seem to embody a slow, patient sense of contentment, curiosity and gentleness that feels refreshing in our fast, less innocent world.  I have been a contented city dweller for the last three decades, living in London, then moving in 1996 to Berlin;  but while recently attending a series of silent retreats in the Allgäu, I found myself returning to the themes of my rural childhood and agricultural studies and began working on a series of drawings of the indigenous grey/brown cows whose pastures bordered the cloister garden.

Why screenprinting? There is nothing quite like  pulling off a new print, never knowing quite what to expect… 

It gives me the same buzz now as it ever did…….  simply magic. 

The process: A sketchbook drawing that I am satisfied with is used as a basis for a series of screen prints, whereby the drawn line, transposed onto the screen, is printed in combination with various layers of colour to create a dynamic but harmonious whole.

I could play forever with the various combinations of colour and line, positive/negative forms, scale, transparency, ….

Why drawing?  Drawing is my way of connecting with my environment.  I have kept sketchbooks as a visual diary for over thirty years…. an eclectic mixture of self-portraits, tins of brushes, buildings, shoes, fruit bowls, flowers, family, pets, …. it’s all there.  When I’m drawing everything has a logic to it. It centers me.

What is a good drawing?  For me, a successful drawing is about the reduction of the subject matter, through a series of increasingly rapid sketches, to the bare essentials,  while retaining its unique character and energy. A brilliant art teacher of mine once said that a really good drawing is like the Holy Trinity, a combination of three things;  you, the subject matter, and the magic that happens somewhere between the two, with neither of the first two components playing too dominant a role.

Alexine Good
Alexine Good yderst til venstre i sit galleri i Berlin sammen med kunstnerkolleger

Om kunstneren

Alexine Good er en britisk kunstner der bor og arbejder i Berlin. Hun er vokset op med køer i Devon og har en landbrugsuddannelse og mange års erfaring med arbejde med kreaturer bag sig.

Siden har hun studeret kunst på et kunstakademi i England. Hendes motiver trækker på hendes indgående kendskab til kreaturer. Serierne er printet i ganske små oplag på henholdsvis 5 og 3 stykker i hver serie.

Alexine Goods billeder er karakteriseret ved en flyvsk og let pen, der fanger dyrets væsen uden romantisering. De printede farver er moderne og smukt i harmoni med hinanden. Derved møder den gamle, landlige verden en urban og nutid palet på meget raffineret vis.

Alle billeder er signerede og nummererede af Alexine Good.
Curious Calf findes i et optryk på 3. Contemplating Cow og Curious Cow findes i et optryk på 5. Companiability findes i et optryk på 3.

Alexine Good billedgalleri

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Galleri Blæst – For the Joy of Art
Klithusevej 25
9240 Nibe
5071 0511 

CVR-nr.: 25759133


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